Raider Reps Practice Teamwork

Influential. Skillful. Selfless. Leaders. The Raider Reps serve as role-models by helping in the school store, giving younger kids advice, and mentoring new students by showing them around Kimmons. To practice such leadership skills, the Raider Reps went to Sallisaw, Oklahoma, for the People Inc Youth and Family Services Ropes Course in October.

“We wanted our students to have something fun to look forward to and a chance to interact with one another and build community,” Mrs. Ray, sponsor, said.”The Raider Reps benefited by learning more about one another, collaborating and communicating to complete difficult tasks, and learning about themselves as leaders. It was a great experience for our students!”

The Raider Reps practiced teamwork through several team-building activities, all requiring them to put their trust in one another.

“My favorite activity was ‘bringing the cookie to the oven’ where all of us got into one line, put our hands out, and lifted a person from one end to the other,” Ali Barter, 9th, said. “We also had to lift each other up and pass that person through a net without touching it. I got lifted five feet in the air! It was scary, but fun at the same time. I would love to go back again sometime.”

In addition to fun, the Raider Reps also bonded.

“The best part was the team bonding activities because it brought us closer together,” Jaide Smith, 9th, said. “I also benefited from this experience by getting to know some of the Raider Reps better and being able to trust in them better.”

For the final task, the Raider Reps and sponsors assisted each other up to the zip line where they overcame their fears and soared through the air.

“The best part was coming down, swinging from side to side, and acting like I was a superhero,” Lesley Meza, 9th, said.

Aside from the fun, the students also gained valuable life lessons.

“The creepiest thing about zip-lining was walking across the thin, shaky line because I don’t have good balance,” Zaria Thomas, 9th, said. “From this training, I learned that you can’t do everything on your own. You have to work with others.”