KJH Embraces Golden Knights Program

Kimmons has a new mentor and leadership program for boys. Started by Mr. Garland “Hop” Bray and Representative George McGill, the Golden Knights helps deter kids from going down the wrong path in life. Assistant Principal Jones, who sponsors the group, has challenged these boys to be leaders and influence others in a positive way.

“The Golden Knights members benefit from the program by being exposed to situations and surroundings that are positive, with the hope that the young men can see what life has to offer,” Assistant Principal Jones said. “The program is designed to teach students life skills and expose them to situations that are uncommon for them.”

The Golden Knights meet at least once a month, use parliamentary procedures, and often have guest speakers. To inspire the members to think about going to college, the sponsors brought the members to tour the University of Arkansas campus in Fayetteville.

“Going on the field trips is what I like best about being in the Golden Knights because I get to know what people do in college,” Jahree Greene, 8th, said.

There are future events coming up like touring the state capital in Little Rock and doing community service projects such as visiting nursing homes and cleaning up Kimmons.

The students benefit in a good way from this program that will help them in their future lives.

“I like that the program teaches you how to be successful and responsible and how to carry yourself as a young man,” J.T. Thorne, 8th, said.

The Golden Knights appreciate the results of the program.

“I love to be respected and imagined as a leader to my peers,” Jadon Syharath, 8th, said.

As well as loving something from the program, many members have a favorite part of it.

“What I like best is that we get to be a family,” Alphonse Jackson, 8th, said. “We get to be better leaders and help the younger kids out.”

Partners in Education: The Golden Knights change a school