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Raider Release

The student news site of Kimmons Middle School

Raider Release

The student news site of Kimmons Middle School

Raider Release

Molly Conroy

Molly Conroy, Reporter

Molly Conroy, 9th, a tall, goofy, and smart girl is the best person to be friends with. She would describe herself as "unique."

“Molly is very creative and unique," Heather Boone 9th, said. "She is very caring, loving and great friend."

Molly considers friendship very important.

“Friends are essential in my life because they keep me from getting devoured by my thoughts," Molly said.

Molly first became friends with besty Kaiah Johnson, 9th, through the same interests.

“We became friends through our love of One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer," Kaiah said.

Molly would love to travel more often, even out of the country, if she had the chance to.

“My best travel experience was when I went to El Salvador because I got to experience things so much different than in the United States,” Molly said.

The best advice Molly ever received came from her Auntie Yuliya who said: “Never give give up no matter how hard things may seem.”
Profile written by Lesly Flores

All content by Molly Conroy