City Choral Festival
Advanced Choir and other select students attended Fort Smith’s City Choral Festival in late September. The students got to sing a variety of songs and do different things throughout the day and meet students from Chaffin, Ramsey, and Darby. During the song “Coming To America,” these junior-high students even sang with a group of high school choir members.
“I liked that we got to see our friends from other schools and make new friends who share the same interests,” Khamarea Campbell, 8th, said.
The Choir students all had their own opinions on the songs.
“My favorite song was ‘The Snow’ because I loved the melody and tone to it,” Angale Saeteurn, 8th, said.
Students had a variety of songs to try out.
“My favorite song was ‘Cante Domino’ because it was the easiest out of all the others,” Harmony Williams, 8th, said.
During breaks, Choir members walked around, visited with students from different schools, and ate food provided by the festival organizers.
“I liked the food because I love food and the pizza was amazing!” Tyniah Cole, 9th, said.
Not only did the City Choral Festival involve singing, talking, and eating pizza with friends, but it also gave life lessons.
“Students learned about music and how to be a team player,” Mr. Morris, Choir teacher, said. “The most memorable part was seeing all choir students from Fort Smith sing together.”