Freshman Iris Ponce Honored at Quinceneara

Jennifer Galdamez

Iris Ponce and her Court

A quinceneara is a very important event in a Latina’s life as it marks her transition from girl to young lady. It can take years to plan. For Iris Ponce, 9th, this meant she had to choose wisely among friends and family of who would be part of her Corte de Honor or Court of Honor.

“I felt honored to be one of Iris’s chambelanes because she picked me among many friends,” Bryan Arona, 9th, said.

Aside from the chambelanes, Iris also had to select damas to participate in her baile de sorpresa or surprise dance.

“Being a dama in Iris’s surprise dance meant a lot to me because I’m her best friend,” Jennifer Ortega, 9th, said.

Iris, who planned a whole year for her fifteen, hoped everything would come out the way she expected.

“We practiced my dances three months before the big day,” Iris said. “It turned out perfect!”