Dejay Phatthong, reporter
Dejay Phatthong, an 8th grade football fan, may seem quiet and shy but not all the time. He always keeps a positive attitude, and he’s kind to anyone no matter what his mood may be.
“He’s happy most of the time, or he is either lost,” Vanessa Picazo, 8th, said.
Dejay has an immense love for sports. Basketball may not be top of his favorite sports list; however, football definitely is number one!
“A surprising fact about me is that I suck at basketball,” Dejay said.
Dejay would befriend anyone who has a passion for football.
“I met Dejay playing football at the Boys and Girls Club,” Eli Bolton said. Dejay and Eli go way back to 4th grade, now that’s a good best friend!
Profile written by Alexis Gonzalez