Kimmons Gains a New Counselor


Mrs. Daniel

As the new counselor, Mrs. Daniel has an advantage.

“I know several familiar student faces from Sunnymede Elementary where I used to work,” Mrs. Daniel said.

In education for 23 years, this northeast Arkansas native graduated from Arkansas State University in Jonesboro. A former co-worker inspired Mrs. Daniel to become a counselor.

“Dana Ford, a counselor at the school where I taught 5th grade, inspired me to be a counselor,” Mrs. Daniel said. “My students seemed to have lots of needs, and I wanted to help them.”

Mrs. Daniel has goals for this school year.

“I hope to get to know as many students as I possibly can, as well as the staff,” Mrs. Daniel said.

Mrs. Daniel also has challenges being a counselor.

“Not being able to help students reach their potential is my biggest obstacle,” Mrs. Daniel said

When not at school, Mrs. Daniel enjoys being outside.

“I like spending time with my family and friends, playing with my dog, decorating, painting, and doing yard work,” Mrs. Daniel said. “Also, I have been scuba diving with manatees.”