Freshmen Softball Athletes Share Goals for Playing for NHS

Encouraging words go through the ears of Ke’Ona Waugh as she whacks the softball into left field, sending three girls home and herself. That’s not the only talent from Kimmons athletes going to Northside. Two other freshmen ladies Jazzlyn Coleman and Oriana Harrison come along to seal the deal.

Ke’ona motivates herself to play for NHS because softball is what she’s best at. Jazzlyn, who has been playing softball since age three, also loves the sport.

Not all players motivate themselves.

“My mom motivates me to play because she tells me that it’s another way to get a scholarship,” Oriana said.

Many athletes face different challenges.

“The biggest challenge in making the team is not being at the level I should be because I haven’t played in three years,” Oriana said.

The girls have goals for this softball season. Ke’ona’s main goal is to continue starting at 3rd base and not breaking her nose again.

“I hope to catch all the softballs that get hit to me in the left field and to not strike out,” Ke’Ona said.

Ori’s goals include catching all the balls that get hit to her in left field and not striking out.

“I can achieve these goals by keeping my eye on the ball,” Oriana said.

Jazzlyn wants to be a better leader.

“I want to help other players get better,” Jazzlyn said.