Foreign Language Classes Enjoy World Fest at Silver Dollar City

Foreign Language Classes Enjoy World Fest at Silver Dollar City

As Mrs. Pierce’s foreign-language students made their way through Silver Dollar City for World Fest in April, they noticed food and performers from many cultures. The different types of music came from all directions and flooded their ears. Scottish performers sent out a heart-pounding, quality beat from their stomping and the swish of their kilts mixed with their bagpipes. A German group created a smooth and whistle-like melody that poured fluently from their pipes. It was easy to understand why the seats quickly filled up, and some people even had to stand to view the shows.

The vast Silver Dollar City had way more attractions then just shows, such as the many shops lining the whole park. Visitors were sure to leave with some kind of souvenir from t-shirts to necklaces shaped from electrical wire into your name to wax hands. The latter may sound a bit weird, but the wax hands were worth every penny! The hand could have colors and even glitter added to it. Silver Dollar City also includes old fashioned places like the blacksmith shop, organic body care, wood-carving shop, and a hand-weaved baskets shop. Age does not matter as there is something for everyone.

Another big attraction the students enjoyed were the rides! Big, little, slow, fast, they were all exciting and some offered a huge adrenaline rush. Many caused stomachs to drop. Some caused students to get wet from freezing-cold water. Eager people stood in line ready to take their turn, joyous when the line moved. Some were scared and some were excited, but many conquered their fears. Smart visitors made sure not to eat anything before getting on the thrill rides.

Aside from the ride, the trip to Silver Dollar City had an educational purpose.

“I hoped my students would be able to experience other cultures and interact with people from those cultures — maybe even use the language they’ve been learning in talking with native speakers,” Mrs. Pierce said.